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Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Poetry and Native American Jewelry

I have always been a poetry lover and recently discovered a Native American Poet named Hershman John. He was born in California and grew up on the Navajo reservation in Sand Springs, Arizona. He earned an undergraduate degree and an MFA in creative writing from Arizona State University. John is the author of the poetry collection I Swallow Turquoise for Courage (2007). His poems have been published in journals and anthologies including Puerto del Sol, Hayden’s Ferry Review, and O Taste and See: Food Poems. His poetry evokes an emotional response to the images he paints with his words. John’s poetry is influenced by his Navajo heritage. He has written of Diné creation stories, sometimes placing the figures in contemporary settings. His subjects in I Swallow Turquoise for Courage range from Navajo culture to poems referencing Vincent van Gogh and Elizabeth Bishop. John teaches at Phoenix College in Phoenix, Arizona. I look upon the creations of Native American Jewelry as another form of poetry, speaking to our souls with lines and color, just as words on the page do. I see myself and my small business as encouraging the preservation of this beautiful culture and these talented artisans. DoubleDeeDeals is my outlet for the love I have of this great art. Here are a couple of my current favorite pieces of Native American Jewelry:

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